Welcome, MCS Alumni!
In the links to the right, you will find information tailored especially for graduates of Manhattan Christian School. These pages are a way for us to communicate with you the happenings of Manhattan Christian. It is also a way for you to learn about other alumni that you may have forgotten about or have lost touch with! Many of the pages have forms in which to submit any birth, marriage, death, or other special alumni news. Please keep us updated!
You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Winter Alumni Night
Saturday, January 6, 2024
Another awesome gathering with our alumni! Thank you for joining us as fans, pep band players, and basketball players! Check the February Connections for pictures of our fun night.
Fall Alumni Night
Friday, October 6, 2023
We had a fabulous time at Fall Alumni Night on Friday, October 6. Thanks for the great turnout to support our high school team in one of their toughest matches of the season against last year’s class B State Champions, Huntley Project. Free admission for all alumni plus free popcorn in exchange for updated alumni addresses made for a fun evening!
Feedback from the last few years’ alumni basketball games demanded that we bring back the opportunity for the ladies to play volleyball. You asked; we answered! Following the conclusion of the varsity match, we had graduates ranging from years 1982 to 2023 play two sets to 25; each team took home a victory and an original MCS Alumni t-shirt. Thank you to all those who joined us to cheer and to play! Keep an eye out for this winter’s Alumni basketball date.